All your town and village news
Poppy concert All Saints Church hosted a poppy concert in aid of the Royal British canada goose black friday sale Legion on Saturday, November 7. Bell ringers, led by Martin Tubbs, rang for an hour before the concert started. People were greeted with a glass of wine and light refreshments as they browsed the exhibition, Threads of War, which was displayed around the church. The contemporary textiles exhibition, created and set up by Annie Parkinson and her team, was in remembrance of the World War One. There were also exhibits created by local residents ranging from a display of fresh flowers to a waterfall of crepe paper poppies cascading canada goose outlet store over the edge of the pulpit. On one side of the nave was a reminder of a battlefield bare tree branch decorated with a mass of hand knitted red poppies. Children from Brompton by Sawdon Primary School had a collage display and drawings based on the book canada goose coats on sale War Horse. Pianist Julia Spencer played for the first half an hour while people socialised and explored the textile exhibition. Manhattan Voices, a choir based at Scarborough Music Academy in Wykeham, led by Sue Hartley, sang a range of music varying from gospel songs to Dvorak Song to the Moon. Their performance was interspersed with readings performed by local residents, taking World War One. The choir rounded off the evening with a selection of songs from Les Miserables featuring singer Michael O After the audience joined in with the National Anthem, the concert was completed with Terry Cartlidge playing finale music on the organ. The organisers would like to thank all who helped to make the evening possible. The textile exhibition will remain in goose outlet canada church for this week feom 9.30am to 4pm. Proceeds from the event will go to the Royal British Legion.
History Society Jonathan Botham, spoke about his great grandmother, Elizabeth Botham, and her Whitby based bakery at the November meeting of Brompton Local History Society. Her family have followed in her footsteps down to the fifth generation. The society next meeting is in the village hall on December 2 at 7.30pm when Martin Arnold of Hull University speak about Ragnar Hairy Breeches who ended his life in a pit full of snakes.
Fest 15 The canada goose outlet nyc miniature Christmas Tree festival in aid of All Saints Church starts on Friday, December 4. About 35 small trees will fill the church, lit with mini lights and decorated to reflect the themes chosen by local groups, individuals and businesses. The trees will be unveiled at 6.30pm when the preview viewing starts with refreshments in the church. Those present will then be entertained by an hour of seasonal music and verse, including contributions by Brompton and Sawdon Community Primary School canada goose clearance sale Choir. The Fest continues with the annual Christmas fair on Saturday, December 5 starting at 2pm in the canada goose uk black friday village Hall. There will be a wide variety of stalls and tea and mince pies. The church will be open for people to combine the fair with Christmas tree festival viewing.
Women Fellowship Members of the Women Fellowship were welcomed to their recent meeting in Cayton Chapel by the president, Gwyneth Russell. After short devotions, Jean Hanson gave a short talk about jewellery making. Members then made bracelets to take home. Hymns were sung unaccompanied and after the meeting Jane Williams and Joan Dunnell served the refreshments. The fellowship next meeting is a visit to the shoebox depot in Scarborough where members will see what happens to the shoeboxes they donate to Operation Christmas Child. The early December meeting is the Christmas meal. The next time the fellowship meet in the chapel will be on Tuesday, December 15 when the Rev Chris Kirkman will lead the Christmas carol service.
Christmas market There will be more than 30 stalls in the main street and the Memorial Hall at the Christmas market on Saturday, November 28. Real reindeers will be in attendance. Activities and events will take place at specific times, and are as follows activities for children in the library 10.30am to noon; Kirkbymoorside Brass band rendition of Christmas music in the main street next to Christmas Tree from 11am; stalls open from 11am to 3pm; Santa in his grotto noon to 2pm; Santa in the Memorial Hall Dugout Christmas canada goose outlet online treasure hunt and fancy dress from 3pm. Prizes will be awarded for these competitions and include Castle Howard Christmas family pass, four passes for the Mouseman experience at Kilburn, North York Moors Steam Railway 2016 family travel voucher, family Santa’s Sleigh experience at the Farmer’s Cart. Carols will be sung around the tree by the Helmsley Arts Centre Community Choir and Kirkbymoorside Junior Band at 3pm to 3.30pm and the Christmas lights will be switched on at 4pm.
Film show The film Marvellous will be shown at the Tueday Group’s meeting on Tuesday, November 24 at the Methodist school room at 7.30pm.
Manor Close The next domino drive at the centre will be on Wednesday, November 25 at 7.30pm.
Ladies Fellowship Dorothy Collis opened the November meeting with a poem and prayer on the theme of giving is more blessed than receiving. Cathie Hather did a sugar craft workshop with 30 enthusiastic members, making poinsettia flowers and holly. Everyone went home with a decoration for the Christmas cake. Colleen Nicoll celebrated a birthday in October and this month birthday girl was new member, Linda Wilson. It was also past member, Joyce Miller birthday and a card had been sent to her in Scotland. The tea hostesses were Vera Kendall and Ann Potter. The Christmas party is on Wednesday, December 9 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Schoolroom when members will be entertained by a ukulele band and share a faith supper. Members should note the change of venue.
AGM The canada goose outlet sale Moorside Bar, formerly the Royal British Legion, is having its annual general meeting on Tuesday, November 24 at 7.30pm. The entertainer on Saturday is Ian James, starting at 8.30pm. There will be no bingo on Friday or Friday, November 27.
Bridge club Lesley and Tim Vessey won North/South with 63.4 percent at the latest session. Bob Wardell ans Barry Smith were second on 60.8 per cent. East/West winners were Di and Andy Brannan with 66.2 per cent. Bo canada goose outlet store uk and Tony Simpson were runners up with 62.9 per cent. Play of the week went to Sue Pearson and Steve Lonsdale.
Amnesty International The Kirkbymoorside branch Write for Rights greetings card campaign runs through November and December. Signing cards will be done at the Summit Bakery on Wednesday, November 25 from 10am to noon. The monthly meeting and signing will be held on Thursday, December 3 at 1.30pm at Pickering Meeting House.
Camera club Kirkbymoorside and District Camera Club held its first open competition of the year last Thursday at the Moorside Bar and Club. The winning print was by Bob Ordidge, and their were three maximum point winners in the projected digital image section Liz Bassindale, Julie Cowdy, and Jim Cavanagh. The next meeting at the MB and C is tomorrow (Thursday) when uk canada goose Richard Spurdons from Ilkley, will give a lecture entitled Landscape to Studio.
All Saints Church The Christingle service will be on Sunday, canada goose November 29 at 6.30pm.
Bowling club The next domino drive is on Saturday in the club house at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Fun fair The annual fun fair comes to town on tomorrow (Thursday) and will run each evening until Monday. canada goose outlet It will also be open on Saturday afternoon.
Kirkby Fest Kirkbymoorside History Group are hosting an all day event at the Moorside Room today (Wednesday). It will include canada goose outlet uk the showing at 2pm and 6pm of a film commemorating the 2013 Kirkby Fest and a display of collage 1960s photographs. Displays of 1960s photographs by the School History Group and other young people will be on show at the library and will be judged on Saturday morning. A film, which captured some of the creative collaboration between John Arden and his wife Margaretta between 1963 and 1965 will also be shown at the library. A small display also pays tribute to Arden’s play Left Handed Liberty for the Magna Carta celebrations in London Mermaid Theatre in 1965 and this year at the Mansion House Guildhall School of Music and Drama). Arden was commissioned by the City of London on both occasions. For further inquiries about the events, phone 01439 771639.
Bridge club The third session of Malton Bridge Club principal pairs competition was won by John and Beryl Bramall with a score of 63.5 per cent. Philip Mason and John Hayton were second with 60.4 per cent while Chris Baxter and Graham Burgess were third with 58.3 per cent Last Wednesday positional pairs session was won by Derek Fox and Richard Hilton, ahead of Mike Jackson and Philip Mason, then Tricia Pearce and Madge Allison. In Sunday Yorkshire League fixtures, Malton A got the season off to an inauspicious start, losing 20 0 at Sheffield A. Malton B fared a little better, losing 14 6 to Doncaster B.
Crafts There will be a meeting of the craft club held in the village hall tomorrow (Thursday) from 7pm to 9pm. Admission is which includes tea or coffee and biscuits.
Phillipa Jode will hold a felt picture making craft day in the hall from 10am to 2pm on Sunday. The cost is which includes tea or coffee and biscuits, but participants should take their own lunch.
Fitness and health Helen Walker will give illustrated talk called Physiotherapy and Acupuncture, Keep Fit and Healthy over Winter in the village hall on Thursday, November 26.
New chairman Before the start of the monthly community council meeting, Coun Christine Jones was elected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the former chairman, Coun Amanda Evirgen, who has relocated to Newcastle. Scarborough Borough Council has suggested that parish councils may like to hold an event to celebrate the Queen 90th birthday next June. If sufficient residents are willing to help organise such an event, the village council will form a committee to make the arrangements. Arrangements were made for the village green Christmas tree lights switch on on Saturday, November 28 at 7pm. The Salvation Army band will be present.
Ladies club A display of chocolate delights greeted members attending their monthly meeting at the community centre to hear Alex Grant, of Croft Artisan Chocolates of Scarborough, speak about the development of his business in Newborough.
Bingo A bingo evening was run at the community centre with Les Craggs as caller, Janet McNamara and Moira Audsley as cashiers and Margaret Rogers and Christine Hastie as checkers. Refreshments were served by Anita Wilkinson and Irene Barnett. The raffle was run by Mrs canada goose outlet McNamara. Members were sad to learn of the death of long time member Audrey Hughes when Mrs Audsley paid tribute to her support over many years.
Annual meeting The annual general meeting of the Pickering and Thornton le Dale branch of the Royal British Legion will be held on Saturday at Champley Yard Pickering at 2pm. For further information, phone the secretary on 01751 474446.
Flower club The next meeting of Pickering and District Flower Club will be held on Wednesday, November 25 at the WRVS Hungate Centre at 7.30pm. It will be a practice night with a Christmas theme. A faith supper will be served to end the evening. The club annual lunch, for members only, will be held on Wednesday, January 27.
Probus club The Vale of Pickering Probus Club met under the chairmanship of Michael Pearson on Tuesday, November 10 for lunch at the Forest and Vale Hotel. Marjorie Walker gave a talk called Men Talk Or Do They? which including her work in prisons. Graham Turner proposed the vote of thanks. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8.
Fruit canada goose outlet reviews growing Hilary Dobson, chairman of the Northern Fruit Growers will give a talk on growing cheap Canada Goose fruit in the North East to the Hardy Plant Group of the Pickering Horticultural Society in canada goose black friday sale the Memorial Hall tomorrow (Thursday) at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be available after the talk Coffee morning The annual Dogs Trust coffee morning will be held at the WRVS Hungate canada goose outlet black friday Centre, on Saturday from 10am to noon. There will be lots stalls selling cakes and bric a brac, a tombola and raffle. Contributions to the stalls will be most welcome.
Fish talk At the October meeting of Ryedale Aquarist Society, Ian and Norma Mitchell of the NEYGEKA spoke canada goose Canada Goose Parka outlet shop about the public aquariums of Singapore and the Palma Aquarium in Majorca.