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How the CIA tried to train cats to spy on the Russians: the strange kanken2, true story of Acoustic Kitty How the CIA tried to train cats to spy on the Russians: the strange, true story of Acoustic Kitty The “Acoustic Kitty” idea did have some logic behind it. Cats go wherever they want, hopping fences, slipping through doors. They’re not afraid of armed guards..

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kanken The Mayor of Fort St John Bruce Lantz used to live in Prince Rupert Lantz worked for the Prince Rupert based company but did not live there and until the fall of 2003 was working for Rob Ritchie and Ron Bartlett as the editor and/or publisher of the Northwest Weekly. Today he is being exposed for some less than favourable practices, not the least of which appears to involve his conduct with female employees and while out of town on City business. A resolution to be debated at Fort St Johns next council meeting states the following kanken.