Once the water began freezing

I turn off the tape recorder and think, ‘Lordy, what to do next?’ And then I think of Stanage Edge, the four miles of gritstone crags 20 minutes’ drive away in the Derbyshire Dales. It’s arrestingly beautiful countryside. If there’s a genuinely rustic Jarvis waiting to burst forth, this is where I’ll find him.

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canada goose jackets They believe she was electrically shocked when trying to clear power lines cheap canada goose, damaging her flying feathers. (Megan Lawrence)At the time, the pond wasn’t yet frozen over so no one could get close to her in the middle of the pond. Once the water began freezing, it became clear the bird could not leave.Last Saturday, Salthaven West attempted a rescue, but she was a gone goose; they couldn’t get within 10 feet of the bird without her fleeing to the middle of the pond.Salthaven West and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan were getting daily calls about the bird by this point.The fire department happily agreed, and took on the rescue mission with their water rescue gear in tow on Thursday.”The goose, she stays in the middle of the pond because she knows that’s where safety is,” Lawrence said.Lawrence said about six firefighters went out on the ice and created a perimeter around the bird.Regina firefighters assisted to rescue the grounded goose off a frozen pond in Regina’s Rochdale area. canada goose jackets

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